Experience, Service, Value

Experience, Service, Value


Robert J. Gavrich, California-Licensed Investment Adviser

  • 39 years investment industry experience.
  • Former floor trader; upstairs trader for major Wall Street firm.
  • 32 years experience as an investment adviser.
  • Has written more than 60 investor education articles for Charles Schwab.
  • Developer of Wealth Management Presentation System (WealthMAPS) for Wells Fargo.
  • USCF-rated Chess Master at age 17, ranked in top 25 juniors in the US.
  • As of early 2021, Seasonal Strategy maintains fewer than 35 client relationships today (compared to 350 or more for the average broker from a large firm).
  • Independent fee-only adviser
    — Compensated according to client’s assets, not by transactions.
    — My fee grows only as your portfolio grows.
    — Not captive of any firm, no conflicts of interest.
    — Fiduciary status means client’s interests come first.
  • Every client receives an Investment Policy Statement appropriate to their risk profile.
  • Every client receives a personalized cover letter every quarter, not a form letter.
  • Sophisticated portfolio accounting and reporting software, PortfolioCenter (Envestnet/Tamarac), offers visually compelling reports that consolidate all of your accounts into one unified portfolio, detailing its asset class composition, overall performance, and performance of each asset class and individual investment.
  • Direct contact with your portfolio manager, not an administrator or customer service representative.
  • Most accounts custodied through Schwab Institutional.
  • Highly competitive annual fee, as low as 0.60% per year.
  • Seasonal Strategy can assist clients with more complex financial planning issues, as well as qualified referrals to tax and insurance planning experts, through Susan Gavrich, CFP.